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Keyboard Shortcuts

This userstyle was made for a keyboard centered usage, like Tilling Window Manager users or just cool people that loves them! These are some of the shortcuts that are available:

Windows / LinuxMacOSDescription
Ctrl + LCommand + Lfocuses the URL bar
Ctrl + BCommand + Btoggles the bookmark sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + BCommand + Shift + Btoggles the personal toolbar
Alt + Left ArrowCommand + Left Arrownavigates backwards in your history
Alt + Right ArrowCommand + Right Arrownavigates forwards in your history
Ctrl + TCommand + Topens a new tab
Ctrl + Shift + TCommand + Shift + Treopens the last closed tab
Ctrl + WCommand + Wcloses the current tab
Ctrl + Page Up
or Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Command + Option + Left Arrownavigates to the previous tab
Ctrl + Page Down
or Ctrl + Tab
Command + Option + Right Arrownavigates to the next tab

For the full list of shortcuts visit the official Firefox website.

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