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Colour schemes

  1. Copy your desired colour config from integrations/catppuccin or integrations/rose-pine into the includes folder
  2. Replace the colour include in the userChrome.css with your desired flavour file

Alternatively you can also just copy the contents of your desired flavour config into the colour config file.


Cascade Catppuccin Preview

This simply offers premade colour configs for Catppuccin. There are variants for each dark mode flavour — Mocha, Macchiato and Frappé — all of them come with Latte as their light mode.

Individual Previews

Catppuccin MochaCatppuccin MacchiatoCatppuccin FrappéCatppuccin Latte


Catppuccin also offers their own ports for Firefox:

Rosé Pine

Cascade Rosé Pine Preview

Similar to Catppuccin these are premade colour configs for Rosé Pine. Featuring the Default Palette as well as Moon with Dawn as light mode for both.


Rosé Pine also offers their own ports for Firefox:

Add-on Integrations

Tab Center Reborn

Tab Center Reborn Vertical Tabs Preview

How to set it up

  1. Download the Tab Center Reborn Addon
  2. Copy the contents of integrations/tabcenter-reborn/tabcenter-reborn.css into the Addons settings
  3. Import the integrations/tabcenter-reborn/cascade-tcr.css into the userChrome.css

Side View

Mozilla's Side View is an Addon that allows you to open a second Website within the Sidebar of your Browser. Cascades integration gets rid of the header, moves the »Close«-Button to the bottom, and allows the sidebar to be up to 50% of your browsers width.

How to set it up

  1. Download the Side View Addon
  2. Import the integrations/side-view/cascade-sideview.css into the userChrome.css

Released under the MIT license.